About Stoneridge Design Inc., Reviews
President of Stoneridge Design Inc.: Regis A. Zapatka, RA, RLA, Horticulturist.
Registered Architect, (RA), 1st Professional Degree (=Masters) in Architecture, Carnegie Mellon University. Bachelor of Arts Degree in Architectural History and in Business Administration-Carnegie Mellon University. Doctoral Studies, Architecture, University of Michigan.
Registered Landscape Architect, (RLA), Masters Degree in Landscape Architecture, The Ohio State University, Bachelors of Science Degree in Horticulture, The Ohio State University.
(Pre-College/College Studies in Fine Arts: Painting, Drawing, Architecture, Art, Glass, Wood working/Furniture Making. Carnegie Mellon University).
Stoneridge has over 250 satisfied architecture and landscape architecture client projects in 23 years of business. Provided on this page are: Several of our satisfied client reviews and "Architectural and Landscape Architectural Services provided for our Clients". The page concludes with Stoneridge's Business Philosophy-How Stoneridge Conducts Business.
Request a meeting of introduction to express your architecture and landscape architectural interests . I will welcome the opportunity to present how STONERIDGE design may be of assistance.
Your 1st consultation is free. Contact: Regis Aaron Zapatka, RA, RLA , President STONERIDGE Design inc.
Phone: 412-221-6085
Email: larchz@aol.com
We contracted with Stonerige Design inc for Architecture and Landscape Architecture Design and Construction. We were happy to discover, knowing that the process in presenting designs to the township is a difficult one, that Regis was able to obtain a variance for the Architecture design, allowing for its construction. The Architecture and Landscape Architecture are a perfect compliment to each other. We are extremely pleased with his work and to this day we receive compliments from guests at our home throughout the year. The design and construction is beautiful! The vegetation, stone and building materials chosen are fantastic, really special. Regis was convinced he could get a variance for our architectural needs and that the project would be beautiful and functional. This is what we realized w Stoneridge. Mr. Jerome Buyny, The Buynys, Pittsburgh PA."
"Thank you for a rebirth of my landscape & the many extra details that make it absolutely beautiful-Thank you" Shirley Pow, Beaver, Co. PA.
"We contracted with Stoneridge Design inc. Architecture Landscape Architecture to design and replace all existing sidewalks and patios, provide and install solutions to many site drainage problems, planting including privacy screening-generally Landscape Architecture. We were 'very' impressed with Regis' professionalism throughout the entire process. The final result was beyond our expectations -from the intricate stone design, dry streams-which functioned to move water from point a-b, and choices of plantings to compliment the work. Regis and his team were dependable as they were constantly at the site as work progressed-The entire project was completed before the projected finish date! WE were especially impressed with Regis's attention to artisitc detail as he completed the stonework and landscape architecture. We could not have imagined ow thrilled we would be with the final results of his workmanship. Our guests have been in awe at the transformation".-"Thank you Regis for a job well done". Ron and Debbie Menser, Somerset Co. PA.
"Several years ago we contracted with Stoneridge Design inc. for an extensive backyard improvement project. We were so impressed with Regis Zapatka's design and hard work that we recently contracted Stoneridge 'again' for the landscape architecture of the front of our home and 'architecture' of another property. The result is a lovely improvement to our property-his creativity and extensive knowledge of both hardscape and softscape always assures a beautiful design“. David and Adrianna Dozzi-Pittsburgh, PA.
"Over the years, we contracted with Stoneridge Design, Inc., for several projects on our property. The architectural designs that Regis created for us and the actual work done were excellent, improved the aesthetics of our property, and lowered our maintenance. Stoneridge Design has been there when we needed them. Working with Stoneridge improved our landscaping dramatically which also improved the value of our property.” Dr. and Mrs. Leo Goode, Pittsburgh, PA
"Regis Zapatka ia a 'master' of 'landscape architecture!" Stoneridge redeisgned my Highland park residential landscape to include a Pa Bluestone sidewalk and a formal topiary feature perfectly complimentary to my architecture. The backyard included many flowering beds, and stonework. His workmanship is superior!". Thomas Munns, Pharm.D., Allegheny Co. Pa.
"Contracted with Stoneridge Design for a Landscape Architectural Improvement to our property. Stoneridge provided an aesthetically pleasing design that has also proven over these many years to be well thought out". The design lowered our maintenance and looks great. We have been happy to contract with Stoneridge over the years for various tasks. An itemization for all costs are provided. We appreciate the professionalism and the good work. The Nemecs-Alleheny Co. Pa "
"We contracted with Stoneridge for Architectural and Landscape Architectural design for our Estate. We were very happy with the proposed design solutions and decided to contract with Stoneridge for the Construction of the Landscape Architecture at our Estate. The work was extensive including 'exactly’ matching existing historic stone constructions in certain areas, and complementing the estates historicity including improving function and aesthetic at others. The Design and Construction schedule was: Well thought out; the attention to detail appreciated, and proposal of solutions within the design process and during construction - invaluable. There is a significant improvement to the value, beauty and function, of our Historic Estate, its’ aesthetic and function as a result of having Contracted with Stoneridge Design. Dr. and Mrs. Victor Lapkowicz, Washington Co. PA."
"I contracted with Stonerdige Design Landscape Architecture / Landscape Architecture. Regis Zapatka, architect / landscape architect work exceeded my expectations. His work is creative, meticulous and professional. His bidding is competitive. He consulted with me on every phase of the project. This included mostly landscape architecture the entire property and some architecture. The work is in Mt. Lebanon, Woodhaven Dr. The completed work 'on schedule' is 'stunning!' Very beautiful. Thank you Regis Zapatka." Anita Riley, Mt. Lebanon, PA.
"Thankyou Regis, Our new homes architecture is beautiful, drawings worked out great, exactly what we needed". The Massarri's, Bulter, PA.
“Stoneridge Design provided architectural services for the design of our new house. The experience was good. Regis Zapatka, given our busy schedule, met us at our existing home and designed everything to our requests and needs, and with his Professional recommendations to get everything just right. The process was efficient. We met several times to review progress and updates that resulted in the Construction documents we needed to permit, contract and build our new home. Great experience, great work! TheKellys!” Pittsburgh, PA.
"Contracted with Regis Zapatka-Stoneridge Design inc.-Architecture for the design of our New House. Thank you Regis drawings, design, house and costs are good" The Crowe Family, Greene County, Pa.
"Contracted with Stoneridge design for an Architectural Design of our new house. Working with Stoneridge has been very rewarding. Regis is very friendly, easily open to clients’ suggestions and changes, and very enthusiastic about his clients’ projects. The designs are exactly, even better than could have been imagined. Everything is well thought out. We are in the process of building our house, we have contracted with Stoneridge and are satisfied with the professionalism and consideration of anticipating our needs and responding to them. Great work, great design"! Robert Sloss, Retired U.S. Military, Westmoreland Co. Pa. , and Garret Co. Maryland
"We originally contracted with Stonerige Design inc for Landscape Architecture Design and Construction. We were happy with this work and a couple of years later or so, contracted for additional work. Most recently we contracted for Architectural Design work-a pavilion for our backyard. Stoneridge constructed this as well. The designs are creative, utilize natural materials, Stoneridge's favorite locally resourced stone and hardwoods. The construction/ installations are of good quality. Mr. and Mrs. T. Lusk, Phd. CVA. Pittsburgh Pa."
" Thank you Regis, Stoneridge for the design and construction of my new house. I realize you did much to help me-Thank you. My budget was tight and you evidenced as much, but made everything come together. The house is very beautiful very nice, you are a special person and a good man. " John Capolla, Retired Military U.S. Navy.
Stoneridge design provided over many years aesthetic and functional Landscape Architectural improvements. These improved the residential property value. “Regis, Thank you very much for the time to explain everything, the working of the water pump, the water features-water falls, and for preparing "Everything into Presentation Quality” for the sales of our house. We appreciate ‘everything’ as the extra effort, “over the years” really assisted with the current sales of our house-Thank you. All the best! John Sherwin, PhD, The Sherwin Family, South Pointe, Washington Co. PA.
"Contacted Stoneridge. They provided many options that we could visualize and conclude were also solutions to our architectural interests and this, early into the Architectural Design process. The design process evolved from a general image of the design solution to specific detailing that complemented the whole, including references/connections to the landscape-very special. The architecture design provided has a natural and historic aspect to it- a bonus to our setting. Stoneridge evidenced our house met the latest energy code requirements, and additional efficiency's that could be realized- (not on the code-not required). For example, by changing window dimensions we've allowed additional day lighting into our residence. We are very satisfied with the Professionalism and Quality we found in Stoneridge Design. The Clark Family, Pittsburgh, PA.”
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES available to STONERIDGE design inc. client's:
Meeting of introduction. (How Stoneridge may assist with your Architectural, Landscape Architectural interests). FREE-schedule to present your interests for your property and to discover ideas and options.
Professional Services Contract: (The prospective client is provided a "Design Program" this is a 'List' of the clients 'requests to be incorporated into or resolved by the Architectural and or Landscape Architectural, 'Schematic Design'). The Program is followed by a 'Professional Services Contact' indicating: Professional Services to be provided, Format in which services are to be provided, a schedule, and costs. Payments are typically, one half to begin each phase with the balance of each design phase due upon delivery of contracted products for the given phase. There are three phases to the Architecture and Landscape Design Process. Following is a brief description of each phase and several of the services that Stoneridge Design provides.
Schematic Design: This phase begins with the documentation of existing conditions, photography, dimensioning, notation. This information is then entered into a respective digital format. After gathering relevant information, reviewing the client's and analyzing: Opportunities and constraints, (The Client is provided with options that are solutions to their Architectural, Landscape Architectural Interests). Client can be provided with information in a variety of formats: CAD 2d, 3d, Parametric Modeling (BIM) using Revit 2d and 3d, Drawings/Sketches, Photo studies, Photo Real studies in 3d-3d Studio Max., Charts, Graphs, Estimation of square footage costs for a given design and diagrams are also provided as required. The Goal of Schematic Design is to efficiently communicate information as to why (a) design(s) is/are a solution to the cilents' interests very early in the design process. Having this professional information allows the client to make an informed decision as to which option or why a solution is in fact the best solution to the clients' interest.
Design Development: (Next, The Client is provided with the detailed development of a solution). Materials, Interfacing of structure, and mechanics, manufacturers -for example of windows, doors or pools and outdoor appliances, dimensions, ((The particulars,) are designed and developed of a specific solution. By the end of this phase a client has reviewed professional recommendations and provided input concerning what by the end of this phase-the design development phase will be a nearly finished design). An itemization of many material costs is typically prepared concurrent with this phase to best assist the client in decision making.
Construction Documents: This final phase of the Design Process involves providing documentation necessary to: Financing, Permitting, Bidding and Construction. Key notation, general and specific specifications, specific dimensions, referencing are provided on the documents to assist primarily with the construction of the Architecture and Landscape Architecture. The Construction Documents include documentation-as may be required, from Professionals who work with Stoneridge in the professions of Structural, Civil or Mechanical Engineering.
Design Build: Stoneridge Design can refer contractors to clients for Architectural commercial and residential constructions as requested. Stoneridge does construct and install all of the landscape architecture designed by STONERIDGE design inc. Clients are provided a Stoneridge Design inc. Construction / Installation contract.
Architecture: Residential Architecture "NEW" Construction and "ADDITIONS to side/rear or 2nd/3rd story additions. Integration of 'Addition' to appear as 1 original construction. Challenging additions. Stone masonry, interior design, lighting LED design, day lighting, energy efficient design, construction documentation-long history of documenting and working directly in residential construction.
Landscape Architecture: Integration of the Landscape to complement the Architecture and the adjacent urban or rural context. Formal and Natural Landscapes. Stone Masony, Landscape LED Lighting. Micro-climate and environmental design as relates to landscape architecture/architecture. Water, Pools, basins, fountains. Storm water control.
Stonework: Stone design and Stone construction. Yes, Stoneridge only uses 'real stone' created by "God" and forces of Nature.
Horticulture: Briefly, Stoneridge provides clients with a knowledge base of what plantings are good for: Hillsides, privacy screening, seasonal interest, scent, erosion protection. What plant communities work well together, what are the plantings cultural requirements? What plantings would be found in a French Parterre, English Country Garden or Japanese Garden? Stoneridge has the answers.
What is important to take away from this Brief introduction is the comprehensive package of relevant information, knowledge and practice incorporated into Stoneridge design's and available to Stoneridge Clients. Call Stoneridge with your design interests: 412 221 6085
Stoneridge key words: Truth, Beauty, Goodness.
What may be most important to your decision? How Stoneridge conducts business?:
TRUTH: Do the design and materials reflect universal truths? Does the professionals life lived reflect, good character, intellect and refinement? Is there accord between design and person and an interest in referencing universal truths. For 23 years Stoneridge has been in business providing architectural, landscape architectural and design build services to over 250 satisfied clients.
In all Stoneridge hiring and contracts there is effort to ‘hire or contract’ only with persons with seemingly good ethics as this has been, and is the ‘best’ start point for the 100’s of contracts signed with our clients to date. In addition to good ethics many of stoneridges clients are quite accomplished, have high standards, and have seen examples of quality architecture and landscape architecture here and abroad. High standards are a precursor to better business. High Standards is a simple fact of the world of Architecture and Landscape Architecture and intrinsic to businesses that operate for nearly a quarter century or more.
There is a high road in life-‘The Way’-see Spain. Hence the name, “Stoneridge”, it is upon the ridge, in prayer, in thought, that truth, the ‘way’ is discerned, solutions discerned. Clients want a professional, a contractor, with a moral compass, insightful, capable of discernment and reason, a professional and contractor that affords the benefit of doubt, goes beyond the call of duty. Many of Stoneridge's clients come from referrals they too most likely have an appreciation of Truth, Beauty and Goodness. (Regis A. Zapatka the president of Stoneridge design inc. is a professional, a licensed architect, licensed landscape architect, and horticulturist, with degrees in business and architectural history).
Beauty: Stoneridge designs with the intention that the designed and constructed reference beauty. See web pages. Seeing is believing in Architecture and Landscape Architecture. There are timeless objective truths to designing for beauty. There are also transcendental truths of being. Truth, Beauty and Goodness for which one is aware of but perhaps words do not suffice to explain. The arts, poetry, music, art, architecture, sculpture, theater can sometimes express these transcendental truths of being as does a life well lived. The photos in this website reflect Stoneridge architecture, landscape architecture and stone sculptural products. ( Stoneridge documents all completed works in great detail for record, publishing and for presentation to future clients).
Stoneridge designs and constructs with materials that historically withstand the tests of time. Beauty is sometimes hidden but inherent in the full potentiality of all matter. This beauty can be brought out by design in goodness that is actualized by the intended having lived, visited or witnessed transcendental truth of being. (When practical Stoneridge incorporates Real sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous stone, hardwoods, and metals all also chosen for there contribution to the design and function).
Beauty is also inherent to good function. Stoneridge provides architecture and landscape architecture options that are solutions. It is not enough for architecture and landscape architecture to be beautiful it must also be of good utility. Does it serve its function, even better… many functions-well? (Stoneridge’s architecture satisfies several or more functions. This is essential to good design).
Goodness: Stoneridge has had many good religious , family, and community examples to emulate the concept of ‘respect and consideration for the other’. Stoneridge is sometimes on chambers of commerce, or actively involved in communities as is practical and charitable events. Stoneridge annually provides charitable professional, installation, construction and on many occasions much needed maintenance services to religious congregations of more than several different Faiths. Our Faiths often do not have the funds for this work. Assisting Faithful in need is important to Stoneridge and will be as is possible. Also note, there may be the presentation of professional services donated by Stoneridge for several communities in the near future. As a small business Stoneridge has very little spare time, however some of this spare time has been invested, pro bono, in incremental work on several projects for several communities.
For example, one religious leader contacted Stoneridge, “We need our Church grounds improved- an emergency as neighbors are complaining, can you help?". For another denomination, “We need a place to sell and display religious articles to our members”. And to another, “We need a new building entry”. Stoneridge provided these Religious institutions pro bono professional and construction services. Every year Stoneridge dedicates some funds to Charities. Very few of Stoneridge’s clients were ever aware of this; but proud to discover the reality that a portion of their contracting with Stoneridge resulted in Stoneridge being able to provide charities and religious institutions with extra assistance they would not otherwise have.
Stoneridge employs quality employees, that subscribe to best building practices, tried and true trade methodologies of construction. Our employees take pride in their work, and their aspect, as all who work-should. Stoneridge employees enjoy their work, their trade, their task of making a depicted idea tangible. Good employees are intrinsic to business success, beautiful projects. Stoneridge seeks and comes to discover good employees and appreciates their contributions toward quality work.
Thank you for investing the time to learn more about Stoneridge Design and Regis A. Zapatka, Registered Architect, Registered Landscape Architect, Horticulturist, President of Stoneridge Design inc. I welcome what may be an opportunity to be of Professional Assistance. I can typically schedule a meeting to meet about a week out from the time of emailing or a phone call. Please leave your name, address and phone number and a brief message. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Regis Zapatka. Phone: 412-221-6085, email: larchz@aol.com.